The Garrett Mentors, Inc. Board of Directors has named

The Garrett Mentors, Inc. VOLUNTEER MENTORS

as the 2021 recipient of the


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About the Award

Joan Johnson at the Annual Garrett Mentors Barn Dance

Joan Johnson served the children of Garrett County through Garrett Mentors for many years. She was a valuable member of the board and was the principal force behind the annual Garrett Mentors Barn Dance, which has become a fixture in Garrett County. Joan had a deep and abiding belief in the value of the Garrett Mentors program to the children of Garrett County and devoted herself to the effort to help those children. In 2013 Joan relocated to her home in Texas and resigned from our Board, The Board of Directors decided that an ongoing award  in her name was the best way to recognize her unparalleled contribution. In May, 2014, the Joan Johnson Inspiration Award was established and the first recipient of the award, Suzanne Harle, was presented with the honor.  Sadly, In October, 2014, Joan passed away in Texas. The Garrett Mentors organization and individuals involved will miss Joan immensely.  Her legacy will live on through the Inspiration Award and the children served by the Garrett Mentors Program.

Past Recipients:

2020: Garrett County Public Schools Staff

2019: Bill Meade

2018: Ed and Camille Spurr

2017: Reggie Breeding

2016: Lenora Reams

2015: Tom and Sara Kuhn

2014: Suzanne Harle

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